Manufacturer: Ruppelwerke, Gotha, Germany
Designer: Marianne Brandt (1893-1983)
Description: Rare, enamelled metal bowl with removable lid and standing on three ringed feet.
In orange/brown and black on the outside and red inside. With nickel plated handle.
Model number 81.
Country of
Manufacture: Germany
Date: 1931
Other infor- Marianne Brandt, one of the best known of the metalworkers at the Bauhaus, became head
mation: of the design department of Ruppelwerke where she successfully changed the range of
products to comprise a variety of everyday articles, designed with the clarity and
simplicity of Modernist art and design.
Marks: Small printed manufacturer's mark on the underside, partly worn.
Condition: In good overall condition with no dings or dents and only minor age related wear
on the enamel round the rim and underneath the feet.
Size: 14cms high,19cm diameter (5.5 x 7.5")
Price: SOLD Currency converter